Monday, December 19, 2016

Prayer, Provision, Praise

Prayer, Provision, Praise
Thoughts for Cheri:
December 5, 2003:
“Last night I really didn’t want to go to the dress rehearsal but I knew I needed to.  When I got there I sat by myself.  A few people said hi and one asked me how I was.  He said I looked tired.  I told him that the week had been bad, that I was and am very angrySince he has been divorced he understood and encouraged me.  I knew that I was feeling sorry for myself and prayed about it.  Instead of speaking to people and sitting by someone I kept to myself and wondered why no one sat by me.  Old habits die hard I guess.  A friend came in and sat with someone else.  I know why, she had her grandchildren and she sat where she could keep an eye on them.  It still hurt me and I continued to talk to God and asked Him to improve my mood.  At least I recognized what I was doing even though I wasn’t able to totally overcome it at the time.  It just seemed like I didn’t have the strength to.  I am so tired right now.  Finally Betty sat by me and we talked.  That helped.  We went up to the choir loft and started rehearsal which helped.  Carolyn and I talked and she understands because she’s been there tooIt is amazing how many people God has put into my life at church who can really understand what I am going through.  I got hugs from several people.  Then Melba came in.  I have decided it is impossible to stay down when you are around her.  That’s why God put me by her.  The singing and laughing did help and I’m so thankful I had this to go to because I needed it.  It’s hard to sulk when you’re praising God.”
There’s so much in this paragraph.  “Self-pity, sadness, weariness, anger, and sulking”.  There’s also “seeking and recognition and “prayer, provision, and praise”
I could have chosen to stay home that night but look at what I would have missed.  God’s hand is all over this.  He could’ve left me to sulk and whine but He didn’t.  His Spirit nudged me into praying and seeking and others into showing compassion and caring and love to me when I so needed those things.  He listened when I asked Him to improve my mood.  He had led me to a place where His grace and mercy were felt and shared by so many.  And maybe best of all He sat me beside Melba, a young woman with more joy, faith, and love in her than I can describe.  She’d already experienced much disappointment and sorrow and pain in her life but she still was joyously singing praises to God.  What a blessing she was to me at this time in my life.
Seeking and recognition”.  I believe God honors a seeker.  He does give us choice and when we choose to seek Him and His way He answers.  He not only answers He does so in the way that is best for each individual because He knows the purpose for which He created us.  He helps us recognize what we are doing to harm ourselves. His word does tell me:
“Prayer, provision, and praise”.  God blessed me with all of this and more that night.  It wasn’t the first time and it has not been the last.  In fact, it’s a daily occurrence in my life.  Prayers are answered according to His purpose and it has always proven to be for my best, to give me hope and a future.  What a majestic and marvelous God my Creator, Savior, Lord, and King is!
One last thought.  “I wasn’t able to totally overcome it at the time.”  When I read this today I realized how misleading this statement was.  If I was trying to overcome this by myself I was performing a futile task.  I am never able to overcome anything in my own strength.  But:

And so can you.  
Just reach out to Him in prayer, 
rely on His provision, 
and offer Him prais in all things!


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