Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Question for today:

Thoughts for Cheri
March 29, 2004

“I believe God is trying to tell me something.  I read these verses in one of my email devotionals this morning and I decided to memorize them.  At lunch today I was reading from Getting Past Your Past by Susan Wilkerson when she quoted the same two verses.  She was talking about giving up the dream that had failed and dreaming a new one."
“’Dreaming is simply envisioning what your purpose might be.  But what if you don’t perceive a new dream?’  (p. 168).  Then she quoted Isaiah 43:18-19.  Then:  ‘The implication of this…is that some people have trouble seeing the new thing God is doing.  If you cannot perceive the new dream God has designed for you, try spending time with people who might see what you don’t.’  (p. 169)”
“This spoke to me because I have been under extreme conviction for 2 or 3 weeks now.  The failure of my marriage has been weighing on my mind because things were happening a year ago.  As I approach April 4th, it seems to be getting worse.  This morning I awoke to that old feeling of fear and dread.  I was shaking and felt like I was being physically attacked.  I believe God is getting ready to do something ‘brand-new’ in my life and Satan is trying to hinder it.”
I love it when God hits me over the head with something and that’s what happened in this case.  Any time I read a portion of scripture more than once in my quiet time or before the day is over I perk up and pay attention.  I don’t believe in coincidence and I know that God uses various ways to get His point across.  The most effective way and the best way is through His word.  The thing is, I have to read it to hear His voice.   That’s one of the reasons I treasure my quiet time each morning.
My dream when I was younger was to have a great marriage and to live a long and happy life with my husband.  Well, that didn’t happen, did it?  Now I had to give up the dream that had failed and dream a new one.  This is what I was seeking and Satan was not happy about that.  I remember this particular morning like it was yesterday.  The fear was so thick in my apartment you could cut it with a knife.  I have learned over the years that when Satan attacks I’m on the right track and I just need to rebuke him and rest in my Savior.  It sounds easy but it’s difficult when you’re in the middle of a spiritual attack.  What I really wanted to do that morning was pull the covers over my head and curl up in a fetal position.  Thankfully, my faith won out and I took the next step.  That’s all it takes.
Thirteen years ago I dreamed a new dream of working at a church in Lexington, KY.  God gave me that dream and I’m still loving it.  However, all these years later He seems to be adding to that dream.  I’m not certain what this new dream is yet but I’m excited about it.  The first of May I will continue working part time at a job I enjoy while seeking His leading for the free hours I’ll now have.  Tomorrow’s post will share some unanswered dreams I had that may yet be fulfilled.  Only God knows at this point and that’s really all that matters. 
What are you God given dreams?  Don’t give up on them unless God closes the door.  God gives the dream and then gives the ability to pursue that dream to those who know Him.  Keep dreaming and keep seeking. 
You place a dream in my heart.
You give me what I need to follow that dream.
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

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