Monday, November 14, 2016

When Fear Comes Knockin'

Thoughts for Cheri 
November 19, 2003
“I’m struggling with this feeling of dread and fear in the pit of my stomach.  It has been present for over a week now.  Sometimes I’m more aware of it than at other time but it is always present.  I know that it is of Satan; I have rebuked him and asked God to deliver me but it is still there.  I wonder if the realization that my problems are fear based has anything to do with this.  Is Satan using this to discourage and distract me from God’s leading and message to me?  It is not going to work.  I am focusing my eyes, heart, mind, and soul on God.  With His help I will overcome.  Jesus has won the victory already; Satan has been defeated.  I will not let this feeling deter me even if it never leaves me.”
“I’m struggling with this feeling of dread and fear in the pit of my stomach.  It has been present for over a week now.  Sometimes I’m more aware of it than at other time but it is always present.  I know that it is of Satan; I have rebuked him and asked God to deliver me but it is still there.”  Okay, so I asked God to deliver me from fear and He didn’t.  To be honest, I still struggle with that old fear in the pit of my stomach today, just not as often or usually as intense as it was back then but it still pops up often at the strangest times.  Why didn’t He answer me immediately?  Why hasn’t He delivered me to this day?  I believe Paul gave us the answer to that question in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9.
Fear is my thorn in the flesh.  It’s the thing Satan tries to use to keep me from serving God.  Some days he tries to use it just to keep me from functioning at all.  The thing is, those are the days I lean heaviest on God’s grace and power because, just as Paul said, that is sufficient for me.  Those are the times my faith grows deeper and sweeter.  These times remind me Who really knows best.  
“Is Satan using this to discourage and distract me from God’s leading and message to me?  It is not going to work.  I am focusing my eyes, heart, mind, and soul on God.  With His help I will overcome.  Jesus has won the victory already; Satan has been defeated.  I will not let this feeling deter me even if it never leaves me.”  I’ve learned to view this feeling of fear as a positive because if Satan is attacking me I must be doing something to annoy and/or threaten him.  I like that.  He leaves alone those already in his camp and he doesn’t bother with lukewarm or cold Christians.  I like this quote:

I for one am willing to experience a tiny slice of what my Savior suffered for me if it annoys the enemy.  After all Jesus suffered His thorn in the flesh for my eternal salvation.  How can I do less for Him? 
And by the way, God did answer my prayer.  He didn’t remove the fear but He gives me what I need to overcome it when it rears its ugly head.  His way is always best.  What an amazing God we serve!
My life would be easier without the fear that attacks me.
My life would be more comfortable with the fear that overwhelms me.
You never promised ease of comfort but You have promised to be with me always.
Because of this my life is more wonderful that I could ever imagine.
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

When fear comes knocking let faith answer the door:

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