Friday, February 3, 2017

Drained or Overflowing?

Journal Entries:
February 3, 2004
“Better today.  Not as sad.  I’m so ready to go to Georgia Thursday.  I’m looking forward to Bible study Wednesday evening.  I’m interested to see how I am accepted.  ‘I love You!’”
February 4, 2004
“Almost didn’t but decided to go to Bible study.  Glad I did-I felt very welcome.  ‘Thank You Lord!’”
“I’m interested to see how I am accepted.”  This was important to me at the time I wrote this.  I had felt so unwanted and unaccepted for who I was for so many years that my first thought when I  entered any group situation was how would I be accepted.  My spiritual and emotional cup had been drained.  I needed to allow God to pour into me so I could heal and move on. 
“I felt very welcome.”  I rarely felt welcome anywhere any time for a lot of years.  That’s why this was such a big deal.  God knows what I need and He always provides it through people and/or circumstances.  He loves lavishing blessings on His children.
This was important then.  It was about me for a while and I learned that was okay.  However, over the years God has changed my focus from me to others.  He filled my empty tank to overflowing so that His love could flow through me to others.  I have found that instead of thinking of my own comfort or ease I want others to feel welcome and accepted.  I love greeting people wherever I am.  I love saying good morning or afternoon or just offering a smile when I’m walking my dog.  One of my favorite times during worship on Sunday is greeting.  It fills me with joy to be able to give hugs, handshakes, and kind words to friends and visitors.  I’m just obeying scripture:
I no longer allow myself to run on fumes.  I remember that Jesus would withdraw and spend time with His Father.  He is my ultimate example so it makes sense that I must do the same.  That’s why my quiet time with Him every morning is so important to me.  It’s in these moments that He pours His love, mercy, grace, peace, wisdom, and joy into my life.  And He is not stingy with this.  My life overflows with these gifts so that others can see Him in me.  That’s what being His servant is all about.
Wherever you are today in your walk with the Lord please take time to allow Him to pour Himself into you.  He’s never required that we do this thing called the servant Christian life alone.  He longs to fill us with His Spirit so that in turn we may pour ourselves into others in His Name.  What a precious responsibility and blessing that is!

I am so thankful that You don’t require me to do this thing called life alone.
Fill me each moment of each day with the gifts that come only from You.
Create in my life a fountain that overflows and touches those around me.
In Jesus’ Name,

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