Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Who makes your heart smile?

Journal Entry February 12, 2004:
“Went to Soulcare and had an epiphany.  I didn’t stay.  I just felt in my spirit I wasn’t supposed to be there.”
Thoughts for Cheri February 13, 2004
“RE: Soulcare.  I spent the day yesterday struggling with not wanting to go last night.  I prayed about it all day.  I did go because I just wasn’t sure if it was God or Satan and I know confusion is not from God.”
“During the opening worship service I kept asking God to direct me.  One of the first songs we sang was ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord.’  During this song I had one of my epiphanies.  The experience was the same as the time at the employment agency at Bardstown and when I planned to join SECC.  I knew God was telling me this was not in His plan for me right now.  The rest of the worship service reinforced that message and I felt a deep peace about this decision.  I continue to pray and worship and when the service ended, I went home, fixed a hot cup of tea, and relaxed.  I felt very sure in my spirit.”
“With this decision there was no fear of someone being angry with me or guilt that I should do this.  Actually the phrase that came to mind is that ‘it made my heart smile.’”
“Went to Soulcare and had an epiphany.  I didn’t stay.  I just felt in my spirit I wasn’t supposed to be there.”  Soulcare was the divorce recovery program at Southeast Christian Church.  I haven’t mentioned it before in my blog but I had attended several times.  At first I thought it was going to be good for me but as time went on I became less comfortable with the group I was in.  It seemed to be a ‘bash my ex’ group and I really wasn’t interested in that.  I wanted to heal.  Let me just say I’ve been a part of another divorce recovery group as a worker and it was a totally different experience.  This particular one just didn’t fit me.
The experience was the same as the time at the employment agency at Bardstown and when I planned to join SECC.”  From blog post written June 27, 2016:  “Went to employment agency while I was in Bardstown.  Sat there 45 minutes waiting and Spirit working in me-I was in the wrong place.”  I got up and left and never looked back.  And if I had joined Southeast Christian Church I wouldn’t have gone to Ninth & O and would have never met Cheri.  This shows why it’s so important to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading.  He knows the heart and mind of the Father and the Father knows what lies ahead.
“RE: Soulcare.  I spent the day yesterday struggling with not wanting to go last night.  I prayed about it all day.  I did go because I just wasn’t sure if it was God or Satan and I know confusion is not from God.”  I love how God leads me to seek His face and His will.  He doesn’t often just give the answer.  I have to invest myself in this endeavor called life.  He allows me to make choices-it’s called free will.  It would’ve been easier to just stay home but I would’ve missed such a blessing.  I do know that what God’s word says is true:
“During the opening worship service I kept asking God to direct me.  One of the first songs we sang was ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord.’  During this song I had one of my epiphanies…I knew God was telling me this was not in His plan for me right now.  The rest of the worship service reinforced that message and I felt a deep peace about this decision.  I continue to pray and worship and when the service ended, I went home, fixed a hot cup of tea, and relaxed.  I felt very sure in my spirit.”  This has happened to me several times in my life.  Times I’ve just known in my spirit that God was directing me through His Spirit.  The deep peace filled me in a way I’ve only experienced a few times in my life.  It was amazing. 
“With this decision there was no fear of someone being angry with me or guilt that I should do this.  Actually the phrase that came to mind is that ‘it made my heart smile.’”  This is the sweetest thought expressed in this post.  I was able to make my own decision without fear of judgment or recrimination.  That fact that it “made my heart smile” makes me smile today some 13 years later. 
From the moment my marriage ended until this very day God has and is doing an amazing work in my life.  Because of all the “heart smiles” He’s blessed me with I choose to put on the wardrobe He’s prepared for me.

On this Valentine’s Day as we show human love to others let us make sure we are wearing the love of God as seen in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Then just as He makes our hearts smile so we can make others hearts smile too.
My heart smiles when I remember Your wonderful love for me.
Allow those smiles to shine through my life onto others so they will also smile.
In Jesus’ Name,

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