Friday, September 9, 2016


Yesterday I wrote about my first trip to Praise Gathering.  Today I was going to type in the entire e-mail I wrote to Cheri when I got home but as I typed I noticed so many lessons from what I experienced that I decided to focus on excerpts from it.  Here’s the first part.
 “Hi Cheri,
My time at Praise Gathering was wonderful.  So many times we look forward to things with so much anticipation that there is no way the actual event can live up to our expectations.  However, Praise Gathering more than exceeded mine.  The music, speakers, and people I was with were great.  I laughed, cried, fellowshipped, and, mostly worshipped.”
My first thought when I typed the words about Praise Gathering exceeding my expectations was about heaven.  The older I get the more I think about it.  There are so many people who I long to see again; family and friends who have left this world for a much better place.  I remember what God’s word says:
Entering God’s presence is one event that will totally exceed my expectations.  I will say Praise Gathering with the music, speakers, fellowship, laughter, and worship was for me a tiny sweet taste of what it must be like.  As sweet as it was it could not in any way measure up to the joy of being in the presence of God, to sit at the feet of Jesus, to fellowship with other believers in one accord.  I can’t wait for that day.
I have arthritis and fibromyalgia and my pain and fatigue are increasing over time.  At this point in my life I can’t remember what it was to not feel some kind of pain.  I’ve suffered many losses that have caused such sorrow and crying.  But guess what!  Scripture also tells us that:
What a glorious day that will be!  God Himself will wipe away my tears.  My pain will be gone.  Everything will be new.  Wow!
I was able to attend Praise Gathering for 3 years before they ended it.  I can’t remember what year it was but one of the highlights was attending a session by Bart Millard of Mercy Me.  He sang some songs from a solo album of hymns he had just recorded for his mom and that was amazing.  However, near the end of the session he asked for questions and someone requested that he sing I Can Only Imagine.  What a privilege to hear this beautiful voice sing this touching song in a cozy setting.  I can only imagine:

Thank You for the gift of Your presence on this earth.
I can only imagine what it will be like to stand in Your presence in heaven one day.
Remind me daily that it is because of the sacrifice of Your Son that I have this privilege.
In Jesus’ Precious Name,

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