Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ain't God Good!

God is good. I know that.  Reflecting on the days before and after my marriage ended has reinforced this many times over.  A couple of years before this God had provided me with a job at an insurance company in Louisville, Kentucky.  Soon after I started there my daughter also obtained a job in the same office.  It was a blessing to be working with her every day.  Now it became a lifeline for both of us.
I say a lifeline for a couple of reasons.  First of all it got me out of the house and with others every day.  Another reason was some of the people with whom I worked.  God had placed me in an environment with others who loved Jesus.  Every morning we would meet at a desk and share prayer concerns and pray for each other.  During the day we would encourage one another.  When I headed to work that Monday morning I knew I would have a support system as I faced whatever lay ahead.
           My daughter helped me share the news of what had happened. My friends were caring and loving as I knew they would be. My supervisor, who was not a Christian, shared her reaction later with me during an employee evaluation.
Her words were, “When you told me what had happened I expected you to fall to pieces and to be of no use in the days to come.  That’s not what happened.  Your attitude and work have actually improved.”  My reply was, “It’s because of my faith in God and the prayers of people around me.  He’s carrying me through this difficult season.”  “Well, whatever it is keep it up”
I don’t know if a seed of faith was planted in her mind but I’m grateful for the opportunity to share what God was doing in and for my life. 
That week I spent much time in prayer and combing God’s word.  I didn’t know what the next weeks would bring but somehow I knew it would be okay.  I simple put one foot in front of the other and did what needed to be done at any given moment.  I stayed at the house at nights during the week while he was gone.  That weekend I made sure I was gone when he was there.  I needed time to process everything before making any decisions or having to deal with his questions, etc.
Let me explain the situation with the house we lived in.  This was his family’s farm where he was born and raised.  To be honest I never like the house and never felt at home there except for the fact that my kids lived there.  I was not attached to it in any way but it was of utmost importance to him.  I enjoyed living in the country and I loved it when we were farming, especially working with the dairy cows.  However, once we lost the farm I had no desire to stay there.  I sure wasn’t going to fight him for the house.  Therefore, I needed to make plans for where I wanted to live and how I would achieve this.  Thankfully I had help.  I’ll share the story of those who came beside me, supporting and providing for me in the coming days.
Remembering that week has brought tears to my eyes.  Not out of sadness but tears of gratitude for my gracious and loving Lord who provides so richly for His child no matter the situation.  The hope that I have in Jesus is so real and reassuring no matter my circumstances.  He knew before I was even thought of what I was going to face on that day and on the days to follow.  He had already laid into place the plans He had for me.  I think this is why Psalm 139 is my favorite one, especially verses 13-16:
We never know what today, much less tomorrow holds.  We must cling to the promise that our Father sees what we cannot.  He knows, He cares, He provides before we know we need anything.  This is the blessed assurance we have as a child of the King.  Claim it and see His goodness.

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