Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Everyday Moments

This is the day that the Lord has made; 
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Over the next few weeks I did write in my journal.  Some days it was a sentence or two.  Other days I wrote more.  Much of what I wrote is about how my day went and what I did.  I also recorded scriptures, lessons, and prayers from my quiet time each day.  In the next several postings I’d like to share some of what I wrote. 
April 13:
“Joshua 9: ‘the people did not inquire of the LORD (v.14) so they made a bad decision and had to honor it’.  14:12-14: ‘God stopped the sun’. God gives us what we need when we as, when we trust Him, and seek His face and will.  Quoted: ‘Relax in Jesus’ arms’.  Father, I know You are preparing things for me even now.  Help me to relax in Your arms and to trust You.  Light my path one day and step at a time.  Give me Your strength, peace, and joy.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen”
April 14:
When I read over this day’s entry, I was amazed at a dream I’d had.  There was an unavoidable situation with friends that day that made me feel rejected all over again.  This is what I wrote:
“My mind understood.  My heart felt rejected.  I think God wanted me alone and sad.  He really spoke to me about forgiveness-mine and others.  Also, I dreamed H. (my husband) dropped a lot of things and I picked them up-like I am now picking up the pieces of my shattered life.  Then someone shot at me pointblank but I wasn’t hurt.  God always has, is and will always protect me.  Lord, thank You for Your presence in my life; please guide me and help me to hear Your voice only.”
April 16:
“Rough day.  I felt sad most of the day.  Signed divorce papers.  It does hurt so bad Lord. Spent time at the house packing.  Tim found an apartment in Bardstown.  I asked Ann about staying through May.  She didn’t give me a yes or no yet.  Please help me find a place for me Lord! 
April 17:
“Still a grieving day.  It was a rainy dark day and my mood matched.  I was on the verge of tears all day at work.  Went to the house to pack up stuff and a friend came by to talk.  I felt much better.  Swung through Mt. Washington to get a coke at McDonald’s and there was a full rainbow over Taylorsville.  God’s promise to me-He will not forsake me and His word never fails.  Ann said there would be no problem with me staying till June.  That does take some of the pressure off.  Father, thank You for Your promises, presence, and power in my life."
April 18:
This was Good Friday.  I spent time at the house until H. showed up.  There were several things that involved other people so I don’t want to go into detail but will say it was a most difficult day for me.  I was still trying to make choices on where to live, what to do about church, who to trust among the people with whom we had both been friends.  So much to sort out.  My prayer that day was:
“Father, give me strength and wisdom today.”
April 19:
“Spent the day quietly: reading, groceries, went with Ann to pick up Tanya’s dress, then we went to KFC and Walmart.  It was a nice easy day I needed.  Talked to all three kids.”
When I read this entry my thought was, “How great is our God!”  This was an emotional and difficult weekend for me.  He gave me a true day of rest and being loved on by family and friends on this Silent Saturday. 
Recently my sister gave me a keepsake box with a quote on it.  It sits on my desk at work.  I liked it so much that I bought a framed print of it for my apartment.  As I relive these days of my life I believe this quote expresses what God was teaching me to do.  My prayer is that when you (and you will) go through hard times you will look for God in the everyday and you will remember that:

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