Monday, January 30, 2017

Family Matters

Thoughts for Cheri:
“I’m getting excited about my trip to Georgia.  I’m going Feb. 5-9.  I’ll spend Thursday night and Friday with Mary Ellen, a friend of Pat’s with whom I’ve been emailing.  Friday night and Saturday will be the retreat Pat’s church is doing.  Sunday I’ll go to church and Buddy has taken off the day so can have a family dinner.  That will be so nice.  I’ll drive home Monday.”
I’d didn’t realize until after my marriage how distant my relationships with my family had become.  Before Mom and Dad died we spent time together and enjoyed it mostly.  However, my ex’s attitude put a damper on just about everything we did.  He was so critical and never wanted to do what anyone else wanted to do.  Even though I knew my family loved me this put a strain on relationships.
Thankfully this began to change the week Pat came right after my marriage ended.  Her love and support helped get me started in the right direction on my recovery.  The support of Pat, Bill, Buddy, and Rebecca at Tanya’s wedding was invaluable.  They showed me who family is and what being a family means.  I’d lost that along the way.  Then along came Praise Gathering which I wrote about in an earlier post.  Again I felt loved and supported and like I belonged.  Strange feelings to this one who hadn’t experienced them in years. 
Then Pat invited me to this women’s retreat that her church presents the first of every February.  Not only would I be attending but we would go early to the site to help with registration, etc.  But even before that Mary Ellen had invited me to be her guest for a day and night.  Pat assured me it would be a treat and she was right but more about that in a later post.
The best part during the days before my trip was the anticipation of something special in my life.  These were the cold dark days of January when it’s easy to get depressed and/or lonely so the promise of this special time with my family was a lifeline to me.
Before I close this post I want to make mention of 3 people who have been there for me through thick and thin.  Hal, Tim, Tanya, and I lived through this together.  We all experienced it differently but we hung together.  We’ve had our ups and downs like any family but when it comes right down to it I know we’ll be there for each other.  My kids have given me nothing but total support and love since I started this journey almost 14 years ago.  They’ve loved and encouraged me as I took new steps in this life.  They are the best things to come out of my marriage and I’d do it all over again just to have them in my life.
I’m thankful for the family God gave to me in all the stages of my life.  My kids, siblings, nieces & nephews, and the generations that come from them mean so much to me in my life.  I love them all and pray that God will reveal Himself in ways big and small as they live life.
Thank You for placing me in a family with people who love and accept me.
Teach me to be the same with them
Thank You for inviting me into Your family through faith in Your Son.
In His Name I pray,

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Journal Entry:
January 28, 2004
“I am content right now but I also look forward to when I am ready to be more involved in helping others.”

“I am content right now.” There is a secret to being content while desiring something more.  That secret is accepting what God has given to me at any given moment while trusting Him to provide what I need when I need it.  I see that reflected in this statement from my journal and for that I take no credit.  Looking back on these days I marvel at the faith and contentment with which God has blessed me.  There is no other explanation but that it comes from Him. 
“I also look forward to when I am ready to be more involved in helping others.”  Thankfully God has placed me a position today where I do just that and I am still content.  Yes, I’m human so there are days when I get discouraged or wonder if there’s something more I should or could be doing.  This doesn’t last long.  God is so good about reminding me that I’m where He wants me to be at this moment in time.  I know that when and if He has other plans for me He’ll reveal them and give me exactly what I need to obey.  My part is simply to do what He asks.
The secret to being content no matter the circumstance is faith in the One who provides our needs and so much more.  In Christ I have the strength to do everything He asks me to do.  That’s the other secret in these verses.  I can do nothing but when God sends me a task I have what I need to accomplish it because I have Jesus in my heart and life.  Then I can do everything I’m asked to do.  So can you if you know Jesus as your Savior, Lord, and Friend.  Just trust His provision and His leading.
Remember with God:

You have always given me what I need.
Many times You bless me beyond measure.
If all I have in my life is Jesus that’s more than I deserve.
Thank You!
In His Precious Name,

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Rest is Good

Thoughts for Cheri:
January 26, 2004
“I am really tired right now.  All I seem to want to do is to sleep.  I know this is a sign of depression but I don’t believe that is my problem.  I am enjoying life; I laugh, I worship, I go to work every day.  In others words, I am living life.”
“This weekend I realized how tired I really am and I thought about the last 32 years and the rest, or lack of it, I got.  I had to go to bed when he went to bed, or at least stay awake until he came to bed.  I had to get up when he got up; no laying around in bed on a lazy morning, that was a sin.  Even when he was gone in the truck I had to call him and talk as long as he wanted, usually after 9 p.m. when the rates were lower.  If I took a nap or went to bed early he always had some sarcastic comment to make.”
“It was even worse when I was out in the truck with him.  Other women who rode with their husbands talked about getting in the sleeper and sleeping while their husbands drove.  Not me!  I wasn’t allowed.  I had to stay up front with him.  And if I did fall asleep in my seat I was teased and ridiculed.  He made a point of telling others about my sleep habits.  Many times we were lucky to get 3 or 4 hours of sleep a day.  That is not good.”
“No wonder I am so tired.  I believe God is giving me this alone time to rest and restore my strength.  I have family and friends who support me and love me.  I do things with family, friends, and church people often.  I need to be alone to deepen my relationship with God and to rest.”
My takeaway from this is that when God gives me a time to rest and be restored I need to embrace it.  I cannot allow the pressures and/or demands of this world to keep me from God’s desire that I rest.  He rested as an example to His people.  He doesn’t demand that we be busy all the time.  I like this saying that I found:
Being busy is not what God wants.  Being still and listening for His plans for the work we can do for His kingdom is what He wants.  When we are too busy to hear His voice Satan has won the battle.  When one of God’s children ceases striving Satan gets worried.  I don’t know about you but I believe worrying him is a victory in itself.  We just need to make that in this time of rest we listen for God’s voice. Then we can be ready to do what He asks us to do.
Forgive me for the times I get caught up in the busyness of this world.
Remind me daily that I need times of rest and restoration.
Teach me to listen for Your voice.
In Jesus’ Name,

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Storms of Life!

I was going to continue my thoughts on rest today, and I will do that tomorrow, but this morning God led me to a verse that reminded me of an experience I had a year before my marriage ended.  At that time I wrote this.  I hope it speaks to your life the way it did to mine.

One dark and stormy day God delight me with an unexpected gift of beauty.  I was driving alone in our old battered tank-like truck when fear like the heavy rain that fell from the black clouds washed over me.  I searched the heavens and cried out to God for relief.  Immediately my eyes focused on the eastern sky where the most radiant rainbow I have ever witnessed appeared among the clouds.  The bright colors burst into the darkness and bathed my wounded heart with hope and joy.  My circumstances did not change that day; in fact I would soon endure the deepest pain of my life.  This intimate moment in the precious presence of my heavenly Father provided the encouragement I needed as my marriage ended and I began a new life alone. 
I still experience days when dark clouds of doubt, despair, and discouragement envelope me like a cold English fog.  On those days when the shadows seem unending and the cold rains of misery pour over my soul, I cry out to my Heavenly Father.   Then the darkness dissipates and the Son shines through like a rainbow on a rainy day.
A rainbow is God’s promise of His faithfulness.  When you are traveling through a shadowy valley, fix your eyes on the eastern sky.  God will send the rainbow of His promise to brighten your path.
Thank You for the assurance of Your presence in my life.
Thank You for Your promises that cannot be broken.
Open my eyes and ears to the wonders of Your love every day.
In Jesus’ Name,

Monday, January 23, 2017


Journal Entries:
January 24, 2004
“I believe God is giving me this time of quiet and rest and of being alone.  I didn’t rest well for 32 years and I believe He is restoring my strength and renewing me.  ‘I love You!’”
January 25, 2004
“Ice storm this morning-no church.  Stayed home and just rested.”
January 26, 2004
“Bed early.”
January 27, 2004
“Quiet evening and to bed early.  I really am quite content right now.”
I really don’t have much to say about these thoughts because I believe they speak for themselves.  I will expound on them more tomorrow from thoughts I wrote for Cheri.  Today I just want to focus on the word “rest”.
I lived for years with physical and emotional stress and a high level of anxiety.  It’s only by the grace and strength of God that I accomplished all that I did.  That’s why this season of rest was so important that I noted it in my journal. 
“I believe God is giving me this time of quiet and rest and of being alone.”  I’m thankful that God gave me this season just as His word promises:
I was depleted and He gave me just what I needed so that my soul could be restored.  He was with me as I walked through a valley and had certainly delivered me to a place of quiet, goodness, and love.  The best news is the best is yet to come on this earth and in eternity with Him.  Today. I do dwell in an earthly house of the Lord as I work at a church.  One day I will dwell in the House He’s preparing for me forever.  There is no greater promise that this!
What a beautiful gift!
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

Friday, January 20, 2017

Words and Reactions Matter

Journal Entry January 22, 2003
“Interesting day.  One of my co-workers who is kind of a supervisor (not official just because of length of employment) made a critical comment and I had to bite my tongue.  I handled it better than I use to.”
I had just come out of 32 years of being afraid to defend myself when criticized.  I was not allowed to think for myself or to have my own opinions.  When I did try to express any disagreement with my ex I was ridiculed or worse.  This would cause me to stuff the anger and pain I felt which was definitely not healthy.  At this point in my journey I had reached a place where I was highly sensitive to being criticized and I reacted strongly and, to be honest, often inappropriately when it occurred.  I believe all that stuffed stuff was spilling out of the wound that had been opened.  My sister has told me that I went from one extreme to the other and I admit that I did. 
I think that’s why I noted this in my journal.  This reaction was unusual for me at this time.  I don’t remember what was said but I do remember the moment.  What matters is not that I didn’t respond in anger but that I also didn’t stuff what I felt.  Yes I bit my tongue but it was different than in my marriage.  It wasn’t fear, it was awareness that to respond negatively would not have been proper in this instance.  I remember realizing it was not directed at me or my co-workers but at the circumstance. 
So much of our daily journey is measured in small victories.  You make a wise choice, do the right thing, react in a positive way one time and one day you realize those small steps have led to a major change in your attitude and life.  That’s what happened to me in this area with which I was struggling.  Although there are still times today when I want to respond as spoken to they are few and far between.  When those times happen I’m able to walk away, find a quiet place, and give it to God. 
God has taught me over the past 13 years how to respond to criticism in a Christian and loving way.  I’m very grateful for the tender and firm way He teaches me the lessons I need to learn.  He doesn’t let His child get away with anything but He lovingly corrects and draws me back to His way.  He was patient with me through my period of overreacting to criticism.  He used scripture, prayer, and others to guide me as I sought my way to being the kind of person He wants me to be.  He gave me thoughts, words, and actions to respond in the way He desires.
There is so much meanness in this world today.  As a Christian it’s my duty to add kindness and consideration while staying faithful to the message God has for me to share.  This is how we make a difference in a world that needs Jesus!

Place in me the words You’d have me to say.
Remind me of the power of words for good and bad.
I want to make a difference for Your Kingdom.
In Jesus’ Name,

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Winks that are life changing!

Journal Entry January 18, 2004:
“What a wonderful day!  Sunday School was good as was worship.  A seminary professor who is also an Ob Gyn spoke for Sanctity of Life Sunday.  He also directs the pregnancy crisis center in Louisville.  Surprise!  His wife was a friend of mine in elementary school in Georgetown.  She remembers me!  What a blessing and how good God is!”
My focus is on one sentence:  “She remembers me!” 
Why does this thought matter so much to me?  Remember, I had been made to feel like I didn’t matter.  I felt unnoticed and unimportant.  I was surprised when people I had seen a few weeks ago knew who I was.  This was someone I hadn’t seen in over 40 years.  He mentioned that his wife was from Georgetown so I went up to her and mentioned I had lived there as a child for 3 years and told her my name.  Back then I went by Virginia not Ginny.  She looked at me and said, “Are you Virginia?  I’m Jane.”  We had a great time reminiscing and made plans to meet for supper.
I’ve mentioned in a previous posting about God winks, a concept introduced by Squire Rushnell as “an event or personal experience, often identified as coincidence, so astonishing that it is seen as a sign of divine intervention, especially when perceived as the answer to a prayer ”.   When I told my sister about this she stated that sometimes God likes to wink at us and He certainly winked at me in that moment. 
Unless you’ve been made to feel invisible and had your voice taken from you there is no way for you to comprehend the emotions this stirred up in me.  It was a sweet as that moment with Cheri when I realized I was looking her in the eyes.  It was as life-changing a moment as I’ve ever had.  And it was really such a simple thing.  This is why it’s so important that we be kind and caring to anyone with whom we come into contact.  You never know what a kind word, a hug, a smile, or a loving deed may mean to that person.  Conversely you may never know how an angry retort, a cold shoulder, a frown, or a thoughtless act may affect someone’s life.  Believe me I know.  I’ve experienced each of these and I know how uplifting or demeaning these acts can be.
“She remembers me!”   The final thought I want to express is that while others may forget me there is One who never will.
Come to know Jesus as Your Savior, Lord, and Friend and you will be unforgettable too!  He remembers me!
You know my name.
You remember me.
In Jesus’ Name,

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Pain in this Journey We Call Life

Today’s post is a little different.  It’s from January 15-February 24, 2004 journal entries.
“Tanya is emotional-may be pregnant.”
“Tanya’s pregnancy test was positive.  She will call doctor tomorrow.”
“What a day.  Everyone at work knows about Tanya and are happy for her.”
“Tanya still experiencing nausea.”
“Tanya doing okay.”
“What a day!  Tanya is bleeding-called doctor-ultrasound at 1 p.m.-talked to doctor around 3:30-there is a sac but can’t see baby.  0-10% chance of delivery.  Roger called-on way to hospital-Tanya bleeding heavily.  They gave her pain med and said cervix closed.  Will miscarry but hadn’t started.  She’s in pain but ok.  Long day but Tanya is ok and God is in control.”
“Tanya still cramping but home.”
“Tanya talked to doctor and he wanted to look at blood work from the other night.  Then she had to go to his office and give more blood.  Won’t know anything until tomorrow.”
Feb. 24: 
“The baby is gone.”
I asked Tanya for permission before I shared this because it was quite a traumatic time.  I had experienced a miscarriage with my first pregnancy 32 years before so I knew how much my baby girl was hurting.  It is true that it hurts more when your child suffers than when you do.  You want to change it but you can’t.
This is how I know God hurts when His child suffers.  He watched His own Son suffer and die for me.  He actually had to turn His back on Jesus because He is a holy God and cannot look on sin.  Since Jesus took upon Himself the sins of all people of all times God had to look away from Him while He hung on the cross.  
We suffer because of the sin and evil that is rampant in this world.  Jesus suffered because He loves us so much.  He could have said “No” but He choose to say “Yes” and offer redemption to all of humankind.  Because of this my sins are covered and God never has to look away.  He sees, He cares, He comforts.
God hurt when He saw my daughter suffering.  He hurt when He saw me suffering years before.  So why doesn’t He just protect those who truly believe in His Son from pain and sorrow?  Wouldn’t that be nice?  Well if He did how would we are to be His hands and feet be able to minister to a lost and dying world?  How could we ever understand what a person is experiencing when he/she walks through the valley of the shadow death?  Scripture tells us that:
I can testify that God has walked with me through every trial, every moment of suffering, every moment of grief I’ve ever experience in my life.  I know there are those who think I’m crazy for believing but you see, I don’t just believe, I know.  I have a relationship with my Father and He never lets me down.  He never promised the journey would be easy; He did promise He would be with me every step of the way.  He’s never failed me yet. 
Because of God’s faithfulness in my times of trouble I am better able to understand and walk beside those in my life who suffer pain, sorrow, and loss.  It is true that you don’t really understand what someone is going through unless you’ve been there yourself.  I understand the pain of miscarriage, divorce, and the death of loved ones because I’ve been there and done that.  Best of all, my Savior understands and helps me comfort others.  This is our calling in this world, to join others in their times of trouble and introduce them to the One who cares the most.
God is also a God who restores.  In December of 2005 a precious baby girl was born to my baby girl.  Eleven years later I cannot imagine life without her.  She brings joy and smiles to the faces of all who know her.  She is truly one of God’s blessings from Heaven. 
Jesus Christ walked on this earth experiencing the same troubles we do today.  He chose to allow Himself to be sacrificed in a painful and excruciating death so He could identify with and give me eternal life.  He did the same for you.  Please if you don’t know Him today seek Him and He will be found.
I don’t pretend to like the pain 
I’ve experienced in my life.
I do know that it’s in those times 
I’ve grown in my faith.
I also know it’s in those times 
I’ve learned to be a comfort to others.
So thank You for the hard times.
Most of all, thank You for always being with me in this journey of life.
In Jesus’ most precious name,

Monday, January 16, 2017

Which Way Do I Go?

I have to admit I’m having tough time coming up with something to write about for most of this week so I decided to just start typing and see where God leads me.  He always does you know.
January 2004 began the year off with “normal” days whatever that really means.  In reading my journal it seems that for this week at least my life had settled into a routine.  Church, work, home, and errands.  I had mostly good days it seems with some sad moments. I believe that just as God gives winter for the earth to rest He gave me this time to just be.  I was still trying to find my place in this new life and I was exploring options.  However, I can say now all these years later that the possibilities I was looking at did not come to fruition.  And that’s okay.  I enjoyed the journey because I met some wonderful people and received some positive feedback as to who I was and who I was capable of being and what I was capable of doing. 
The main opportunity I was exploring was going back to seminary to obtain a degree in counseling.  I met with several people who encouraged me in that pursuit.  I even prepared to fill out an application to begin classes.  Needless to say I didn’t and I’m thankful because I like where I am today and I know God brought me here.  However, I’m grateful for the process I went through because I now see it as preparation for the journey God was going to start me on in just a few months; the journey that led to where I am today.
Lessons gleaned from times like these abound.  For me the main one is to keep on keeping on exploring every avenue unless and until God closes the door.  Don’t try to force it open when He does.  That’s a major mistake as I’ve discovered too often in my life.  I believe that as long as He allows me to continue on a particular phase of a journey He has lessons for me to learn.  This was no different.
What did I learn? 
·         To trust Him completely in all areas of my life. 
·         To seek out people who could answer my questions and concerns. 
·         To not allow fear to hold me back. 
·         That He gives me what I need when I need it to be perfectly capable in whatever situation He places me. 
·         To stay connected to Him through prayer and His word as He allows the Holy Spirit to guide me every step of the way.
·         To wait on Him.
These lessons have served me well in the days, weeks, months, and years since.  God has opened and closed doors in big and small ways in my life.  When I seek His face and His plan He never fails me.  When I try to do it on my own it always leads to heartache, failure, or a big mess.  I wish I could say that I never do that but in my humanness I sometimes decide to do it my way.  Contrary to the song by Frank Sinatra doing it my way is not the best way.  Doing it God’s way is the only way to go!  Remember:
I am so grateful for Your patience with Your child.
I am so grateful for Your guidance in Your child’s life.
Remind me daily Whose way is best.
Then help me to follow it.
In Jesus’ Name,

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Giving Thanks!

Thoughts for Cheri
January 9, 2004 continued:
“I’m still sad but I do feel better after writing this.  I’m thankful for this gift of writing that God has given to me because it seems to help me clarify issues in my mind as I write.”
“Tonight I cry, tomorrow I talk to Cheri, Sunday I worship with my church family.”
“Thank You, God!”
“I’m still sad but I do feel better after writing this. I’m thankful for this gift of writing that God has given to me because it seems to help me clarify issues in my mind as I write.”  I’m still thankful for this amazing gift.  I enjoy sharing what God has done and is doing in my life with others.  Even if just one person is blessed or uplifted or encouraged by my story it’s worth it.  I believe if God gives us a talent we must use it to lift Him up.  This can be done in many ways but the ultimate reason and goal of all that we do should be to bring praise and honor and give the glory to the One who gives us life everlasting and joy, peace, mercy, and grace while we walk this earth.
All these years later writing things still helps me to clarify the ups and downs of life.  That’s one reason I’m enjoying doing this blog even if no one ever reads it.  God is using it to remind me of where I was, how far He’s brought me, and the faith I had even back then.  It’s proving to be life-changing and uplifting for me as I relive this journey.  He’s also encouraging to be willing to speak out more about my faith and my convictions in a loving but unyielding way. 
“Tonight I cry, tomorrow I talk to Cheri, Sunday I worship with my church family.”  I just like this sentence.  So much contained in 15 words.  Sorrow, hope, expectation, joy, anticipation, friendship, encouragement, help, peace, faith and so much more reflected in this.  I see life lived daily in these words and I believe that’s what God calls each of us to do.  Live the life He gives in faith trusting each moment to Him no matter the circumstance.
 “Thank You, God!”  God’s word tells me to: Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18.  It’s not always easy but in the end I find that God uses the difficult times to strengthen my faith and my resolve.  And I never ever go through them alone.  He’s right there with me always.  So thank Him for the easy that gives you rest and the difficult that builds your faith.  Life is so much sweeter when I live it with a thankful heart!

Thank You!
In Jesus’ Precious Name,

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Complaining is not nice!

Thoughts for Cheri
January 9, 2004 continued:
“I found something I wrote on April 13, 1999.  God was preparing me even then.”
“I was talking to God about listening to people complain
-how tired I am of it-
when He impressed on me that He listens to more than I do
and I complain to Him too often.
Please forgive me, Lord.
Help me to trust You more and complain less.”
Complaining.   It’s something we all do.  The weather, our job, traffic, how we feel, politics, sports, you name it, we complain about it.  I’m just as guilty as anyone else.  I wake up in the morning with the intent of not complaining but before the day is over I guarantee you I will have complained of at least one thing and usually many more. 
What does God’s word have to say about complaining?

As children of God we are to be different than the world.  We are to reflect the light of Jesus in our lives and that will make us shine in the darkness that is surrounding us daily.  If I’m complaining and fussing and being negative I am certainly not being a light.  If all I want to do is argue and/or post negative critical comments on social media I am certainly not letting the light that is within me shine.  Remember what your momma said:

One of the problems is that it is so easy to get caught up in conversations where complaints are the topic.  I’m trying to learn to walk away if I can or simply listen to others without joining in the complaint fest because sometimes they just need to vent.  Being encouraging and kind goes a long way in overcoming people’s negativity. 
It’s sometimes difficult to separate complaining from praying.  However, I have found that if I’m truly seeking God’s will in my life my prayers will reflect that.  Instead of telling Him what’s wrong in my life and what I want I will be seeking His purpose in the things my life and asking for His will to be done.  I like this quote by Lysa Terkeurst:
If you are a child of God why not try to go 24 hours without complaining.  If you don’t make it don’t despair.  Try again.  Ask for the Holy Spirit to remind you during the day and He will. 
Forgive me for complaining instead of being grateful.
Open my eyes to the many blessings you give to me.
Let the light of Jesus shine in and through me daily.
In His Precious Name,

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

When to Say YES & When to Say NO!

Thoughts for Cheri
January 9, 2004 continued:
“I was called by someone at Ninth & O about visiting a shut-in and I’m struggling with that.  I don’t know why.  Is it my old insecurities coming back?  I was forced to do so many things I didn’t really want to do over the years and I almost feel like since I said I was interested that I have to do it now.  It seems like guilt thing.  But it could be Satan using that to keep me from ministering in this way”
“I guess the concern I have is that the shut-in ministry might not be what God wants because I don’t have a peaceful feeling about it.  I don’t want to commit to something that is not God-lead because I think I should or out of guilt.  I want to do what God has called me to do.”
“I was called by someone at Ninth & O about visiting a shut-in and I’m struggling with that.  I don’t know why.  Is it my old insecurities coming back?”  I had forgotten about this.  I realize now that I was searching for a place to belong, a place to matter, a place to feel like I was contributing to something that was needed.  But in the midst of my search those old feelings of inadequacy and feared reared their ugly heads.  Satan surely knows what buttons to push to keep me from stepping out in faith.
“I was forced to do so many things I didn’t really want to do over the years and I almost feel like since I said I was interested that I have to do it now.”  I believe this is one of the main reasons I’ve had trouble committing to anything over the years.  Even today I still struggle with this.  Not because I don’t want to do things but because too often I did things I wasn’t called to do and I ended up quitting or failing. 
“I don’t want to commit to something that is not God-lead because I think I should or out of guilt.  I want to do what God has called me to do.”  I will say that I have in the past couple of years become more comfortable with saying no when asked to do things.  In fact I got to where I said no to just about everything.  Now I’m working on saying yes to things I really feel led to do and being committed to see them through and do them well.  It has surprised me how freeing this has really been because I’m relying on God’s direction and not on what others or even I think I should do.  He knows me best and He opens doors to ways I can use the gifts and talents He’s given and to opportunities that take me out of my comfort zone and cause me to rely on His strength and wisdom.  It’s the only way to live as a child of The King!

You are so patient with Your child.
You understand my weaknesses and fears.
You teach me to rely on Your strength and wisdom.
You show me when to say yes and when to say no.
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

Monday, January 9, 2017

Wait in Faith!

Thoughts for Cheri
January 9, 2004 continued:
“I am in a strange mood right now.  I feel weary, quiet, reflective, and a little sad, near tears.  I feel like I will probably cry tonight.  I’m glad I’m meeting with Cheri tomorrow.”
“I sense a desire to step back and wait.  I’ve been experiencing a sense of expectancy in a positive way since the first of the year, like something good is going to happen.  Right now it is a little different in that I am somber.  I wonder if God is preparing me for something by causing me to stop, consider, and wait so that I will hear Him when He speaks.  Does that make sense?”
“I’m not as angry as I have been although it is still present.  It’s more that sense of sadness.  I’m thinking about him too much.  Thoughts such as ‘Why did he do what he did?  Why did I allow him to do it do me? Why didn’t he make better choices even at the end?  Why did other people support him instead of recognizing him for what he is?’”
“I had a thought that maybe Satan is trying to distract me from whatever it is God is going to reveal to me so that I will miss His message and leading.  I’m taking these thought captive and giving them to God.  It just seems that they are coming more often now than they have in months.  I feel like I’m under attack!”
“I wonder if God is preparing me for something by causing me to stop, consider, and wait so that I will hear Him when He speaks.”  This is the sentence that jumped out at me today when I read this.  Too often in life I am too busy, my environment is too noisy, or I’m just plain not listening when God wants to tell me something.  This is why my quiet time with Him every morning has become vital in my life.  It’s amazing how many times something I read or some thought that ‘pops’ into my head during those moments reflects and prepares me for things I’ll face later that day.
 “I feel weary, quiet, reflective, and a little sad, near tears.”  These words reflect why I think God needed to slow me down.  I was weary.  I had made so many decisions, so many changes in my life and a big one was coming in the next few months.  God knew the plans He had for me and He knew I needed to be paying attention so I’d be in tune with His Spirit when it was time for me to take a step of faith. 
“I had a thought that maybe Satan is trying to distract me from whatever it is God is going to reveal to me so that I will miss His message and leading.”  I know Satan was trying to stop me from listening to God.  He doesn’t know what God’s going to do but he knows God always has the best plan for His child who listens and is willing to step out in faith.  His goal is to hinder every child of God that he possibly can so that we miss out on the blessings God has in store for us when we obey.  The thing is, God’s will is always accomplished but when we allow Satan to deter us we miss out on the blessings of being involved in His kingdom work.  I don’t want to miss out on serving the One who loves me most and best.
Each day we have an opportunity to step out in faith and obedience to God.  Sometimes it’s a giant step that brings major life changes to us and/or others and sometimes it’s a small step that makes the day better.  It can be anything from changing jobs or moving across the world to offering a cup of coffee or a smile and hug to a hurting person.  Faith and willingness to take a chance are involved in each opportunity that God brings into our lives.  The thing is once we take that first step He gives everything we need to succeed in His eyes whether the world thinks we’re successful of not.  I’d much rather please and honor the One who died for me and is preparing a place with Him for me than the rulers of this world.
Although I didn’t know it then I can say now that God was preparing me for a major life change, one that has brought me much joy and satisfaction.  I’ll be sharing more about the process He brought me through in the months to come.  Just know if I had not stopped and listened it would have been my great loss.  Dying to self and living for Him has certainly been my greatest gain.
I want my life to bring honor to You.
I want to always be ready to step out on faith.
Teach me to remember that You’ve never failed me.
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,