Monday, January 9, 2017

Wait in Faith!

Thoughts for Cheri
January 9, 2004 continued:
“I am in a strange mood right now.  I feel weary, quiet, reflective, and a little sad, near tears.  I feel like I will probably cry tonight.  I’m glad I’m meeting with Cheri tomorrow.”
“I sense a desire to step back and wait.  I’ve been experiencing a sense of expectancy in a positive way since the first of the year, like something good is going to happen.  Right now it is a little different in that I am somber.  I wonder if God is preparing me for something by causing me to stop, consider, and wait so that I will hear Him when He speaks.  Does that make sense?”
“I’m not as angry as I have been although it is still present.  It’s more that sense of sadness.  I’m thinking about him too much.  Thoughts such as ‘Why did he do what he did?  Why did I allow him to do it do me? Why didn’t he make better choices even at the end?  Why did other people support him instead of recognizing him for what he is?’”
“I had a thought that maybe Satan is trying to distract me from whatever it is God is going to reveal to me so that I will miss His message and leading.  I’m taking these thought captive and giving them to God.  It just seems that they are coming more often now than they have in months.  I feel like I’m under attack!”
“I wonder if God is preparing me for something by causing me to stop, consider, and wait so that I will hear Him when He speaks.”  This is the sentence that jumped out at me today when I read this.  Too often in life I am too busy, my environment is too noisy, or I’m just plain not listening when God wants to tell me something.  This is why my quiet time with Him every morning has become vital in my life.  It’s amazing how many times something I read or some thought that ‘pops’ into my head during those moments reflects and prepares me for things I’ll face later that day.
 “I feel weary, quiet, reflective, and a little sad, near tears.”  These words reflect why I think God needed to slow me down.  I was weary.  I had made so many decisions, so many changes in my life and a big one was coming in the next few months.  God knew the plans He had for me and He knew I needed to be paying attention so I’d be in tune with His Spirit when it was time for me to take a step of faith. 
“I had a thought that maybe Satan is trying to distract me from whatever it is God is going to reveal to me so that I will miss His message and leading.”  I know Satan was trying to stop me from listening to God.  He doesn’t know what God’s going to do but he knows God always has the best plan for His child who listens and is willing to step out in faith.  His goal is to hinder every child of God that he possibly can so that we miss out on the blessings God has in store for us when we obey.  The thing is, God’s will is always accomplished but when we allow Satan to deter us we miss out on the blessings of being involved in His kingdom work.  I don’t want to miss out on serving the One who loves me most and best.
Each day we have an opportunity to step out in faith and obedience to God.  Sometimes it’s a giant step that brings major life changes to us and/or others and sometimes it’s a small step that makes the day better.  It can be anything from changing jobs or moving across the world to offering a cup of coffee or a smile and hug to a hurting person.  Faith and willingness to take a chance are involved in each opportunity that God brings into our lives.  The thing is once we take that first step He gives everything we need to succeed in His eyes whether the world thinks we’re successful of not.  I’d much rather please and honor the One who died for me and is preparing a place with Him for me than the rulers of this world.
Although I didn’t know it then I can say now that God was preparing me for a major life change, one that has brought me much joy and satisfaction.  I’ll be sharing more about the process He brought me through in the months to come.  Just know if I had not stopped and listened it would have been my great loss.  Dying to self and living for Him has certainly been my greatest gain.
I want my life to bring honor to You.
I want to always be ready to step out on faith.
Teach me to remember that You’ve never failed me.
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

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