Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Complaining is not nice!

Thoughts for Cheri
January 9, 2004 continued:
“I found something I wrote on April 13, 1999.  God was preparing me even then.”
“I was talking to God about listening to people complain
-how tired I am of it-
when He impressed on me that He listens to more than I do
and I complain to Him too often.
Please forgive me, Lord.
Help me to trust You more and complain less.”
Complaining.   It’s something we all do.  The weather, our job, traffic, how we feel, politics, sports, you name it, we complain about it.  I’m just as guilty as anyone else.  I wake up in the morning with the intent of not complaining but before the day is over I guarantee you I will have complained of at least one thing and usually many more. 
What does God’s word have to say about complaining?

As children of God we are to be different than the world.  We are to reflect the light of Jesus in our lives and that will make us shine in the darkness that is surrounding us daily.  If I’m complaining and fussing and being negative I am certainly not being a light.  If all I want to do is argue and/or post negative critical comments on social media I am certainly not letting the light that is within me shine.  Remember what your momma said:

One of the problems is that it is so easy to get caught up in conversations where complaints are the topic.  I’m trying to learn to walk away if I can or simply listen to others without joining in the complaint fest because sometimes they just need to vent.  Being encouraging and kind goes a long way in overcoming people’s negativity. 
It’s sometimes difficult to separate complaining from praying.  However, I have found that if I’m truly seeking God’s will in my life my prayers will reflect that.  Instead of telling Him what’s wrong in my life and what I want I will be seeking His purpose in the things my life and asking for His will to be done.  I like this quote by Lysa Terkeurst:
If you are a child of God why not try to go 24 hours without complaining.  If you don’t make it don’t despair.  Try again.  Ask for the Holy Spirit to remind you during the day and He will. 
Forgive me for complaining instead of being grateful.
Open my eyes to the many blessings you give to me.
Let the light of Jesus shine in and through me daily.
In His Precious Name,

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