Friday, January 6, 2017

Where Are Your Roots?

Thoughts for Cheri
January 6, 2004 continued:
“I said at the beginning of these thoughts that I have been feeling mellow.  I still am to a certain degree but I can feel myself growing.  It’s like I’m a plant whose roots were shallow because I was planted in poor soil but I have been transplanted to a riverbank and my roots are reaching out for the life-giving water.  The past few weeks have been the dormant period when I was resting.  The nourishment I’ve been receiving from God, His word, prayer, Cheri, my church, family, and friends is starting to feed my soul and I am blooming.”
“God has just begun the good work in me and He will complete it.  In 2003 the Father became my Refuge and Hope, Jesus became my Best Friend and Lord of my life, and His Spirit became my Guide and Comfort.”
“2004 is going to be a year of discovery for me as my relationship with God deepens and becomes more intimate.  Now I understand why God only reveals a little at a time to us because even if we knew the good things He is going to bring to our lives it would be overwhelming.  He truly does know what is best for us and I can’t wait to see what He places in my life.  Praise the Lord!”
“…I can feel myself growing.  It’s like I’m a plant whose roots were shallow because I was planted in poor soil but I have been transplanted to a riverbank and my roots are reaching out for the life-giving water.  The past few weeks have been the dormant period when I was resting.  The nourishment I’ve been receiving from God, His word, prayer, Cheri, my church, family, and friends is starting to feed my soul and I am blooming.” 
This is one of my favorite passages.  I love the imagery found in these words.  I believe that the years of my marriage had stunted my spiritual and emotional growth.  Yes, I had faith and I clung to God over those years.  However, it was when I began actively and deeply seeking God through His word and prayer that I began to yield the fruits of the Spirit.  At the time I wrote these words that root reaching and spiritual growth was just beginning.  This search had already brought more joy, peace, and contentment to my life than I could have ever imagined.  This has increased by leaps and bounds over the last 13 years.  I am more than grateful to God for His promises and the assurance of their being kept.
 I am extremely grateful for the people He has place in my life to help me “bloom”.  This is one of the main reasons I want to be a difference maker for Him.  I know how important it is to be loved, accepted, and encouraged by a Christian sister or brother.  This is one of the things we’re called to do.
One of my greatest joys today is to bring a smile or a laugh to someone I know is struggling because I remember the times this was done for me and I know the difference it makes when someone is hurting.  It doesn’t take much time or effort to make difference, it just takes a willing spirit.
“2004 is going to be a year of discovery for me as my relationship with God deepens and becomes more intimate.  Now I understand why God only reveals a little at a time to us because even if we knew the good things He is going to bring to our lives it would be overwhelming.  He truly does know what is best for us and I can’t wait to see what He places in my life.  Praise the Lord!”  Every second of every minute of every day of the last thirteen years has been a moment of discovery in my walk with my Lord.   New aspects of my relationship with Him are revealed all the time.  I just have to keep my eyes and ears open to receive what He’s giving to me.  These gifts come in all shapes and sizes.  Good times, hard times, sweet times, sour times, triumphs and failures are all used by God to reveal Himself and to help me to grow in my daily Christian walk.
            This is why today in January of 2017 I can still say “God has just begun the good work in me and He will complete it.  In 2003 the Father became my Refuge and Hope, Jesus became my Best Friend and Lord of my life, and His Spirit became my Guide and Comfort.”   My roots are firmly planted in the Lord and He is completing the work He began in me the day I was conceived.
Your word tells me that You work all things for my good.
You have certainly proven this to be true over and over in my life.
Thank You for continuing to complete what You began in me!
In Jesus’ Precious Name,

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