Friday, December 30, 2016

Blessed New Year!

Thoughts for Cheri
December 31, 2003
This was written on June 30, 2003:
“I feel like a burst of sunshine has exploded inside of me-
I feel joy and peace and excitement!
Praise God!”
August 19, 2003 after reading Exodus 14:
“God has delivered me from bondage and placed me in a wilderness for a time
to teach, heal, and prepare me for service and mostly to draw me closer to Him.
I have a sense of expectancy today.
‘Open my ears and eyes, Lord!’”
The following are quotes I read and wrote down.  I don’t remember who said them or where I read them but they are so beautiful and meaningful to me.
“Whatever I am going through, Jesus has already experienced
and He will bring me through.”
“Slow me down, Lord.
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind…
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations;
Of slowing down to look at seashells,
To chat with friends,
To pet a dog…
Let me look into the towering oaks and know they grew great and strong
because they grew slowly and well.”
“As I review 2003 I am truly amazed at where I am today.  If someone had told me on January 1st all that was going to occur in my life this year, I would have just given up right then.  I am so thankful that God only reveals to us what He know we can handle.  He takes care of the rest.  Praise God!”
“On this last day of 2003 I have such peace, hope, and joy in my heart, soul, and life.  I know there will be more difficult times in 2004 but I will also know my God is sufficient.  I am so excited about the plans God has for my life.  I do only want to serve and please Him.  I am ready and eager to go through the doors He opens.  I now understand the following passage.”
“As I review 2003 I am truly amazed at where I am today.”  I can make this statement today at the end of 2016.  When I review all that God has done in my life and where He has placed me today I am truly amazed.  The ups and downs, good and bad, difficult and easy, happy and sad of the past 13 years are all just a part of this life we live here on this earth.  I cannot imagine living life without my Father’s presence and love.  I cannot imagine living life without the hope that is found in Jesus Christ the Son.  I cannot imagine living life without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 
The sad times are bearable and the happy times sweeter because I am a child of the King.  Yes my body may fail and bad things happen but He keeps my soul from all harm, He watches over every facet of my life, and He observes and guides my coming and going.  Forever!
It has been in the difficulties when my faith has been tested that it has grown and flourished.  These times make the good moments even sweeter because my relationship with God has grown and I can rest in His presence. 
“I know there will be more difficult times in 2004 but I will also know my God is sufficient.”  He has proven Himself to be more than sufficient.  I have been blessed beyond measure in every way.  His word gives this promise:
What we miss too often is that the gifts we see as good from a worldly view are not the gifts God gives to us.  The world’s gifts are temporary.  God’s gifts are eternal and life changing.  I desire the gifts of God and not the so-called pleasures of the world.  They are a small taste of what life eternal in His presence will be like.  Praise God!
As you step into a new year commit yourself to seeking God’s good gifts and to serving Him more each day.  I have learned this is what leads to true fulfillment.  He will never ever fail you.
As we begin this New Year in this world I ask for the gift of Your presence in each life.
I know You don’t go where You are not invited so please send Your Spirit to convict lives daily.
Open hearts, souls, and minds to the truth found in the life of Your Son Jesus Christ.
I ask this in His precious name,


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