Thursday, October 6, 2016

I Know the Victor!

Thoughts for Cheri continued:
“Last night at church I talked to a couple of ladies from Sunday School before Bible Study and I felt accepted.  Then I went into the fellowship hall for study.   I knew several people but had no one with whom to sit.  My old insecurities came rushing back.  I felt alone and abandoned and kind of wishing I had just stayed at home.  But this time I did something about it.  I told God how I was feeling and asked Him to sit with me.  I also introduced myself to the young woman beside me.  It was time for the study to begin so we didn’t talk anymore but that was a major step for meI then focused on what Dr. Moore was saying and on learning more about God’s word.  His teaching is wonderful and I learned so much in that short time.  I went home feeling at peace and encouraged.  Every time I make a decision to allow God to rule my life and I rebuke Satan, it feels like such a victory”
“After I got home I wrote down the ‘fast-forward’ things, as Lisa Harper calls them (things we wish God would just skip over), from my life, confessed them, asked God to forgive me, and to cleanse my heart and mind.  I tore up the list and threw it away.  I felt such a cleansing and a peace in my spirit.  I know Satan will try to dredge up old sins and discourage me, but now I can tell him I am forgiven and those things have been forgotten by my Father.  He cannot use them against me anymore.  What freedom!”
“I know I have miles to go but I feel so encouraged and strengthened by the victories I’ve won.  I also know I have to stay in God’s word and keep myself close to Him so that Satan cannot gain a foothold on me again.”
“In reviewing the list of things I was to work on this week, I would say that I have made the most progress in the shame and guilt area.  That seems appropriate because how can I feel a sense of self-worth or lose the feeling of being abandoned if I’m living with shame and guilt.  I also believe that as I gain more confidence in my worth in God’s eyes the sense of detachment I feel will lessen and I will become a participant in life and not merely a spectator.”
Wow!  I love the ratio of red to green in this posting.  Progress is being made.  I know that there are more difficult days ahead in my journey because I remember them but it was these days that gave me hope and allowed me to press on through the hard times.  God is so good to give us times of victory throughout this life journey. 
Just a thought:  I recently read a Voice of the Martyrs book about eight women who have suffered unbelievably because of their faith and witness.  First of all it reminded me of how good God has been to me throughout my life and how often I complain about such insignificant things.  It was convicting to say the least.  Their testimonies also shared how much even the smallest victory (a prison guard being kind or receiving a Bible) that God granted each of them during their persecution enabled them to keep on keeping on.  I’m thankful that He has always blessed His child this way and always will.
Anyway, in the green words I see such hope and blessing.  Taking steps out of my comfort zone.  Confessing and repenting of sins I had tried to hide for so long.  In other words, “allowing God to rule my life and rebuking Satan.  This not done on my own.  God brings people, events, resources, and, mostly, the influence of His Holy Spirit into our lives to influence and guide us on our way.  If we are His child we are never alone.  “I told God how I was feeling and asked Him to sit with me.”  God is always with us however, He never forces His presence on us.  He waits to be invited and then He makes His presence very real.  I know because I’ve experienced this over and over again.
“I felt such a cleansing and a peace in my spirit.  I know Satan will try to dredge up old sins and discourage me, but now I can tell him I am forgiven and those things have been forgotten by my Father.  He cannot use them against me anymore.”  When Satan tries to dredge up old sins just tell him out loud (he can’t read your mind) “I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and forgiven by God.  I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.  So scat and leave me alone!”  It works every time.  Satan cannot stand against the Ruler of the Universe.  He is fighting a battle he’s already lost.  He can’t do anything to me unless I allow it.  That’s a fact!
“I have made the most progress in the shame and guilt area.  That seems appropriate because how can I feel a sense of self-worth or lose the feeling of being abandoned if I’m living with shame and guilt.  I also believe that as I gain more confidence in my worth in God’s eyes the sense of detachment I feel will lessen and I will become a participant in life and not merely a spectator.”  This is why Satan uses shame and guilt as his weapons.  He know that if he can keep me feeling this way I will be of no earthly use to my Father’s kingdom work and that’s his ultimate goal.  I’m saved.  He can’t change that.  He can keep me from being an effective witness to those who don’t know Jesus.  He can keep me from being an encouragement to my sisters and brothers in Christ.  If he can keep me on the sidelines instead of in the battle he’s won in my life.  I cannot allow him to do this.  I don’t have to allow him to do this.  In God’s eyes I was worth the sacrificial death of His Son.  I am not worthless and neither are you. 
You pour out Your blessings on me.
Your Son has won the victory for me.
Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

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