Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Journal Entry:
November 29, 2003
“Tanya’s birthday!”
I love the fact that my entry about Tanya’s birthday back in 2003 fell on her birthday in 2016.  This gives me the opportunity to talk about my baby girl.  Here’s what I posted on her Facebook page this morning:
“Happy Birthday to my baby girl! That's who you are no matter how many birthdays you celebrate. Love ya bunches!
This is so true.  God blessed me with three great kids who have become great adults.  Even though they are all grown up in the eyes of the world when I look at them I still see those precious little babies, toddlers, and even teenagers who make my life complete.
Since today is her birthday I want to talk about Tanya Lyn.  She was a surprise to say the least.  I was a 25 year old mother with 2 boys, one age 3 years and the other 4 months when I found out I was expecting again.  Yes, my younger two are 11 months, 10 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes apart.  (Tim was born on December 18, 1975 @ 1:31 p.m.; Tanya on November 29, 1976 @ 1:30 p.m.). I didn’t know until the day she was born if I was having boy or a girl.  It really didn’t matter to me but I was thrilled when God chose to bless me with a beautiful baby girl.
I will have to say that while I dressed her in cute frilly girly clothes that didn’t last long.  She was raised on a dairy farm with 2 older brothers and she certainly learned to take care of herself.  She helped with the farm chores just like they did. 
As far as her bothers were concerned it was the old story of they could pick on her all they wanted but don’t dare anyone else hurt her.  To this day you don’t want to mess with my daughter because her brothers taught her will how to defend herself.
She also stands up for those she loves.  She protects her family fiercely.  She is wonderful wife, mother, sister, niece, cousin, daughter, and daughter-in-law.  It’s this last one I’m particularly proud of right now.  Her mother-in-law recently suffered a severe stroke and Tanya has been there for her and for her husband from day one.  She puts others first and willingly does what needs to be done.  And best of all, she has given me a beautiful granddaughter to love.  I’m am blessed beyond measure!
My kids lived in the same environment I did with the underlying and ever-present fear.  All three will tell you it affected them but I will tell you all three of them have overcome and are leading productive meaningful lives.  All three have known Jesus as Savior since they were very young and all three still live lives seeking to serve and to follow Him.  That’s the thing I’m most proud of and happy about.
Again, I want to say Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter.  She has brought more joy and happiness into my life than she can ever know.  Best of all she is now not just my daughter but my friend.  I am truly blessed among women!

There are no words in my vocabulary to express my gratitude for these three gifts of love:
Hal, Tim, and Tanya.
Today on the day of her birth I’m especially thankful for my baby girl.
 Bless her on this day and every day after.
In Jesus’ Name,


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