Friday, September 16, 2016

To Whom or What am I a Slave

Journal entry:
October 16, 2003
“Talked to Pat.  Going to retreat in Georgia in February with Lisa Harper-can’t wait!”
Two sentences.  There’s a lot contained in these 15 words. 
 “Talked to Pat.”  Why is this important?  Because while I was married I didn’t talk to my sister on the phone that much especially after they moved away from Kentucky.  We would check in with each other occasionally but our relationship was not close.  From the moment she came to be with me right after my marriage ended until our time together at Praise Gathering we had grown closer.  To be honest, we don’t always talk a lot today but there is a closeness and friendship to our relationship that means everything to me.  I’m so thankful for the seeds that were being sown that have deep root in our sisterhood.
“Going to retreat in Georgia in February with Lisa Harper-can’t wait!”  In these words I see hope.  I see independence.  I see anticipation.  I didn’t have to get permission to take a trip by myself.  I wasn’t made to feel guilty because I was doing something for me.  I looked forward not just to the retreat but to time with Pat and Rebecca.  I was excited about the opportunity to hear Lisa speak, not just once, but several times that weekend.   I anticipated being with other Christian women who wanted to grow in their walk with Jesus.  I was free.
Freedom is something we must not take lightly.  Too many people in this world don’t have the freedoms we have.  Even someone who lives next door to you may not be free.  We don’t know what goes on in people’s lives.  People to be slaves to many things: governments, false religions, other people, drugs, alcohol, food, etc.  I am a slave to anything I choose to serve, anything that controls my life.  Everyone is a slave to someone or something.  It’s our choice whom we serve.
The paradox of faith in Jesus Christ is that in surrendering my life to Him and becoming His servant, I am set free.  It really doesn’t make sense, does it?  It does once you live it.  I know I am safe in His hands and I want to do what He wants me to do.  I choose from my own free will to follow Him.  He helps me overcome the fear that tries to rule my life.  He gives me strength and wisdom to live life that pleases God.  In Him I am free!

In the fall of 2003 I was just beginning to know what freedom in my life meant.  I still had a long road to travel and there would be days of agony and tears.  Yet, through all of this God never left me.  He blessed me with opportunities like Praise Gathering and women’s retreats to renew and refresh my spirit so that I could face the hard days that were coming. 
I’m reading a book from Voice of the Martyrs about 8 women who suffered in ways I cannot even imagine because of their faith in Jesus Christ.  I’ve been convicted about my complaining about inconveniences in my life as I read.   My suffering was a walk on the beach compared to what these women experienced.  The one thing I see in each life is that especially in the darkest moments God gave each of them a tiny glimmer of hope.  And in those darkest hours those tiny lights shone bright and gave them what they needed to persevere.  Many times they were imprisoned but their souls remained free.  That’s what serving God through faith in His Son Jesus Christ does in a life.  This is what true freedom is.
Freedom in Christ.
Paid for by His blood.
Bestowed on my because of Your love.
Glorious Freedom!
In His Name,



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