Friday, March 17, 2017

Do they matter?

Journal Entry:
March 16, 2004
“One of the lessons I’ve learned through all of this is the power we can have for good or evil over people in our lives.  My ex took my voice and made me invisible.  He separated me from the people who should have been so important in my life.  I want to draw people closer to God and to each other with my actions.”
Words matter.  The old saying  is not true. 
Words can cut deep into a person’s soul creating invisible wounds that never heal.  Physical wounds are terrible but they do heal over time.  It’s the psychological impact those wounds have on a person that cause the deepest pain.  When someone who has professed love for you is the one inflicting the pain it magnifies the trauma many times over.  It reaches deep into your psyche telling you that you are worthless and unlovable.  You begin to believe you deserve to be abused.  When I found this it was as if I had written it:
            Actions matter.  It doesn’t have to be actual physical abuse to cause pain.  Isolating someone, treating them with contempt, uncalled for anger, or just a condescending attitude causes a person to withdraw into a shell like a turtle for protection.  That’s what I did.  It’s not a healthy way to live life.
I’m so thankful that God delivered me from that life.  Since then He’s brought people into my life who have spoken kindness and love to me.  Their actions have shown mercy, grace, and love many times over.  Today thanks to God’s goodness and those who answered when He called, instead of a scared turtle I’m a soaring butterfly. 
             God is not finished with me yet.  I know because I know me and I know how far I’ve come and how far I’ve yet to go.  One of my greatest desires is to repay the favor shown to me by Him and others by treating people with the love and respect a child of God deserves.  This is done by being nice in traffic, treating customer service people with kindness, smiling at a stranger, hugging a friend, listening to a hurting soul, and in so many other ways.  As Jesus Himself said:
Words and actions matter.  Neither can be taken back once they’re out there.   Harsh words and actions bring pain.  Kind words and actions bring healing.  What a wonderful world this would be if only kind words were spoken and kind actions performed!
You have worked miracles in my life.
Thank You!
Remind me daily to be kind to others as others have been kind to me.
In Jesus’ Name,

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