Thursday, March 30, 2017

Do you have:

Thoughts for Cheri
March 29, 2004
“I’ve been asking God to remove anything in my life that may be hindering His work and plan for me.  Yesterday Adrian Rogers preached on Abraham’s command to sacrifice Isaac and it was discussed in another of my devotionals this morning.  We are to give everything, especially the things we love, to God.  I’ve asked Him to reveal to me any person, possession, desire, anything I am holding onto.”
“The devotional book Alone with God said that I’m to create a circle around myself that is God’s and His alone.  I want to do that.”
“When I think of what I really want to do my thoughts always go to writing.  At the same time I feel afraid and I know fear is not from God.  I don’t know where or how to start.  I can write my thoughts but writing to be published is frightening.  And I don’t know how to get anything published.  What is the first step of faith I’m to take?”
 “I’m realizing more and more that I am basically a solitary person.  I really don’t mind being alone; in fact, I enjoy it most of the time.  I do desire to have a small circle of good friends to talk to and do things with.  I’m just not interested in being the life of the party or in the middle of all kinds of action.”
“The dream that is taking shape in my heart and mind even as I write this is to be able to stay home and write.  To have a home of my own, with or without a husband, where I can create an atmosphere of Christian hospitality for anyone God may bring my way.  To create an atmosphere of warmth, love, safety and gentleness for women who need a place of refuge.  That dream is still in my heart.”
I love how God works in my life.  When I read these words it soothes me and gives great joy to my heart knowing that my Father cares about the tiniest aspects of my day.  He doesn’t force anything on me but when I seek His guidance through His word, prayer, books, people, etc. He always responds in ways I cannot miss.  Keeping my eyes and ears open for His voice leads to some wonderful discoveries.
“When I think of what I really want to do my thoughts always go to writing.  At the same time I feel afraid and I know fear is not from God.  I don’t know where or how to start.  I can write my thoughts but writing to be published is frightening.  And I don’t know how to get anything published.  What is the first step of faith I’m to take?”  This is still true today.  Every last word of it!  I’ve tried giving up the thought of writing a book but it won’t go away.  I really don’t know what form it would take.  That’s one of the things I’ll be exploring in the hours of freedom God is giving to me.   I firmly believe that when a thought is from God it will not let go of you as long as you are seeking His will.  And if it is His will He’ll make the way as I take steps of faith.  The first step I believe I need to here is to sit down at my computer and start writing.
I find the last two paragraphs to seem to be contradictory.  “I’m realizing more and more that I am basically a solitary person.  I really don’t mind being alone; in fact, I enjoy it most of the time.”  “The dream that is taking shape in my heart and mind even as I write this is to be able to stay home and write.  To have a home of my own, with or without a husband, where I can create an atmosphere of Christian hospitality for anyone God may bring my way.  To create an atmosphere of warmth, love, safety and gentleness for women who need a place of refuge.”   These two thoughts seem to be opposites to me.  I like being alone but I want a place where others feel welcome.  I need to reflect on this.
The truth is this is still a dream I have today.  I still like being alone.  I still would love to have a place that could be a refuge for hurting women.  I don’t believe the two desires cancel each other out.    I know that if this is of God He will make it happen just like He will my writing if He desires.  I don’t know what form this make take but I believe.  I’m really excited about the journey I’m set to embark on in just a few weeks.  I can’t wait to see where God takes me.
Do you have dream you believe is from God?  Hold on to it.  Take steps to make it happen.  Keep moving forward unless God closes the door.  It may take days, months, or years.  However, if God is in it He’ll bring you to it and through it.  It will be more than any dream you’ve ever had.  It will be God-sized.

I don’t know what my future holds but You do.
I make myself available to Your plans.
Place in me the dreams You have for my life and enable me to live them out.
In Jesus’ Name,

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